A Job Interview Simulator Set In a Dark Fantasy World.
A Job Interview Simulator Set In a Dark Fantasy World.
Greetings, My Lord,
It brings me immense joy to know that you've taken an interest in the chronicles I've shared about "My Lord Is Hiring" on the royal scrolls of social media. Your discernment is unparalleled. (Who knew the kingdom had a Goddess of Wi-Fi?)
As we diligently chisel every facet of this grand tale, it is my humble wish to offer you a vantage point that few shall possess. So, when the time comes to invite play testers, I earnestly desire for you, My Lord, to be at the forefront. By signing up below, you're not just joining a mailing list; you're joining our early access community. This list is the only ticket to play our game before the world gets its hands on it.
I vow to dispatch couriers with regular tidings of our progress. Anticipate a monthly scroll, bearing news of our collective journey in this endeavor.
Eagerly awaiting your esteemed presence with us, My Lord.
In My Lord is Hiring, take the mantle of saving the land with the one method of gaining workers and warriors, used since before time itself,
Job applications.
Read cover letters, ask personal questions and see if they are worth your time and limited money, for there is an endless tidal wave of monsters that wish to bring your doom.
Play as a Lord and build up your army. Read the resumes of potential employees, listen to their stories, and see if they are worth their weight in gold. Assign your workers to gather materials and craft items, and bolster your defences to protect your town from the growing forces of darkness.
Leading a kingdom to greatness comes at a great price, or lower if you know how to manage your resources. Outside of fighting and hiring, use your skills as a Lord to make decisions that will protect your kingdom while keeping your treasuries well stocked.
We are aware that Kickstarter projects often come with a certain level of risk for the backer, but we want to reassure you that this game will be completed no matter what happens during this campaign.